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Continual Assurance of Learning-Enabled, Cyber-Physical Systems (LE-CPS)
Abhishek Dubey
Abhishek Dubey's Publications
Model-Based Design for CPS with Learning-Enabled Components
Augmenting learning components for safety in resource constrained autonomous robots
CPS Design with Learning-Enabled Components: A Case Study
Dynamic-weighted simplex strategy for learning enabled cyber physical systems
Deepnncar: A testbed for deploying and testing middleware frameworks for autonomous robots
Out-of-distribution detection in multi-label datasets using latent space of $\beta$-vae
Workflow Automation for Cyber Physical System Development Processes
Deep-RBF Networks for Anomaly Detection in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems
A Methodology for Automating Assurance Case Generation
Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection Using Latent Space of beta-VAE for Cyber-Physical Systems