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Assured Autonomy Tools Portal
Continual Assurance of Learning-Enabled, Cyber-Physical Systems (LE-CPS)

Robustness to Adversarial Attacks in Learning-Enabled Controllers

Xiong, Z. ., Eappen, J. ., Zhu, H. ., & Jagannathan, S. . (2020). Robustness to Adversarial Attacks in Learning-Enabled Controllers. ArXiv E-Prints, arXiv:2006.06861. (Original work published 2025)

Parallelization Techniques for Verifying Neural Networks

Wu, H. ., Ozdemir, A. ., c, A. ., Irfan, A. ., Julian, K. ., Gopinath, D. ., … Barrett, C. . (2020). Parallelization Techniques for Verifying Neural Networks. ArXiv E-Prints, arXiv:2004.08440. (Original work published 2025)